1:59:41.591Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 20:04 - Pplex

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
182 855 809 25 461.7
36 871 270 5 134.1
99 558 692 13 863.0
42 398 180 5 903.7
30 734 662 4 279.6
1 042 558 145.1
1 850 234 257.6
3 263 766 454.4
22 373 425 3 115.3
36 501 5.0
329 339 45.8
1 967 866 274.0
6 802 488 947.2
1 355 715 188.7
2 492 577 347.0
14 780 199 2 058.0
28 202 461 3 927.0
84 461 11.7
421 226 58.6
1 893 080 263.6
28 936 583 4 029.2
6 150 0.8
6 150 0.8
2 615 101 364.1
11 134 836 1 550.4
950 818 132.3
1 742 681 242.6
7 670 071 1 068.0
4 311 888 600.4
497 844 69.3
2 141 389 298.1
353 420 49.2
20 528 874 2 858.5
2 571 961 358.1
559 015 77.8
18 677 050 2 600.6
61 714 941 8 593.4
2 129 072 296.4
129 643 18.0
14 064 673 1 958.4
28 436 275 3 959.6
1 960 864 273.0
29 141 934 4 057.8
155 500 21.6
423 880 59.0
3 192 780 444.5

First Hit: 7/17 20:04:23.772 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Pplex -> Pplex with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/17 22:04:05.363 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Pplex -> Pplex with Chill of the Throne