1:28:28.519Custom Slice

18 Jul 24, 15:06 - Valdk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
122 942 189 23 159.4
15 791 442 2 974.7
65 116 027 12 266.3
15 859 438 2 987.5
10 869 996 2 047.6
84 530 15.9
290 696 54.7
2 406 205 453.2
285 439 53.7
7 660 232 1 443.0
36 937 300 6 958.1
811 246 152.8
19 872 805 3 743.5
1 373 519 258.7
12 384 984 2 333.0
644 042 121.3
18 855 031 3 551.8
896 610 168.9
6 328 100 1 192.0
819 373 154.3
2 444 658 460.5
6 811 172 1 283.0
15 228 441 2 868.6
135 650 25.5
1 773 968 334.1
843 965 158.9
18 612 929 3 506.2
12 994 2.4
49 499 9.3
983 765 185.3
14 860 819 2 799.4
57 789 10.8
80 572 15.1
856 019 161.2
14 364 198 2 705.8
19 780 3.7
264 159 49.7
832 331 156.7
141 246 26.6
5 547 232 1 044.9
10 211 687 1 923.6
507 161 95.5
3 523 185 663.6
80 343 15.1
678 504 127.8
266 922 50.2

First Hit: 7/18 15:06:53.214 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Valdk with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/18 16:35:21.733 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Valdk with Hellscream's Warsong