1:17:20.078Custom Slice

18 Jul 24, 15:29 - Myria

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
53 817 265 11 598.3
15 004 290 3 233.6
39 562 198 8 526.1
15 220 118 3 280.1
2 371 634 511.1
184 680 39.8
228 599 49.2
4 695 087 1 011.8
16 106 867 3 471.2
143 673 30.9
295 124 63.6
1 080 746 232.9
2 297 414 495.1
1 774 010 382.3
7 946 703 1 712.6
203 809 43.9
8 711 293 1 877.4
77 138 16.6
224 312 48.3
679 823 146.5
5 691 971 1 226.6
592 152 127.6
2 802 540 603.9
537 990 115.9
115 277 24.8
5 333 178 1 149.3
9 803 383 2 112.7
1 079 213 232.5
6 288 797 1 355.3
27 860 6.0
159 992 34.4
1 110 649 239.3
2 094 518 451.3
12 474 2.6
20 748 4.4
3 422 463 737.5
138 494 29.8
6 859 125 1 478.2
18 080 797 3 896.6
1 050 541 226.4
7 354 697 1 585.0
1 002 668 216.0
2 646 303 570.3
357 129 76.9

First Hit: 7/18 15:29:14.774 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Myria -> nil with Horn of Winter

Last Hit: 7/18 16:46:34.852 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Garpthefist -> Garpthefist with Bloodrage