1:26:51.775Custom Slice

19 Jul 24, 12:49 - Laytun

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
267 402 280 51 307.3
44 169 673 8 474.9
85 524 462 16 409.8
46 326 231 8 888.7
9 597 289 1 841.4
2 156 661 413.8
3 574 478 685.8
13 109 227 2 515.3
36 422 690 6 988.5
348 140 66.7
716 632 137.5
4 560 181 874.9
33 071 726 6 345.5
3 236 446 620.9
6 208 737 1 191.2
4 609 872 884.5
76 175 14.6
29 474 044 5 655.2
48 350 659 9 277.1
3 972 256 762.1
34 421 567 6 604.5
283 246 54.3
1 282 061 245.9
3 623 413 695.2
29 047 381 5 573.4
589 032 113.0
1 125 446 215.9
3 445 461 661.0
40 215 054 7 716.1
444 355 85.2
2 819 464 540.9
3 528 663 677.0
45 909 656 8 808.8
753 784 144.6
1 454 268 279.0
5 278 987 1 012.8
11 376 302 2 182.8
1 409 589 270.4
27 264 440 5 231.3
6 883 965 1 320.8
19 992 717 3 836.0
2 788 582 535.0

First Hit: 7/19 12:49:41.741 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Ciinamonn -> nil with Horn of Winter

Last Hit: 7/19 14:16:33.516 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Stoiccat -> Dimhwtf with Leader of the Pack