1:10:19.220Custom Slice

19 Jul 24, 14:30 - Ssrb

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
45 026 922 10 671.8
3 731 856 884.4
12 653 433 2 998.9
3 749 101 888.5
308 833 73.1
1 770 097 419.5
4 957 529 1 174.9
350 228 83.0
9 195 025 2 179.3
72 609 17.2
183 563 43.5
567 478 134.4
7 310 551 1 732.6
295 337 69.9
471 887 111.8
660 663 156.5
9 173 408 2 174.1
527 602 125.0
1 560 465 369.8
430 192 101.9
4 315 184 1 022.7
131 726 31.2
664 853 157.5
503 010 119.2
3 760 690 891.3
789 931 187.2
3 743 292 887.2
613 522 145.4
5 018 863 1 189.5
143 555 34.0
1 037 212 245.8
301 994 71.5
5 944 368 1 408.8
999 0.2
34 632 8.2
322 014 76.3

First Hit: 7/19 14:30:04.930 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Servirka -> Anisaniya with Crusader Aura

Last Hit: 7/19 15:40:24.150 SPELL_CAST_START Poufette -> nil with Hearthstone