0:31:23.938Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 01:46 - Kelvay

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
46 600 526 24 735.7
7 108 280 3 773.0
12 615 254 6 696.2
6 805 594 3 612.4
3 348 634 1 777.4
154 634 82.0
220 553 117.0
580 583 308.1
6 400 252 3 397.2
47 968 25.4
69 913 37.1
624 282 331.3
6 679 330 3 545.4
316 420 167.9
1 300 868 690.5
622 739 330.5
7 748 954 4 113.1
148 901 79.0
213 417 113.2
690 039 366.2
5 461 541 2 899.0
66 531 35.3
66 531 35.3
493 867 262.1
2 322 459 1 232.7
1 156 722 613.9
2 512 580 1 333.6
1 633 798 867.2
7 723 126 4 099.4
37 372 19.8
37 372 19.8
431 042 228.7
3 255 935 1 728.2
104 983 55.7
170 894 90.7
669 170 355.1
3 656 229 1 940.7
47 265 25.0
47 265 25.0
399 586 212.1
4 066 2.1
5 027 484 2 668.6
7 975 861 4 233.6
660 488 350.5

First Hit: 7/20 01:46:31.079 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Kelvay -> Kelvay with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/20 02:17:55.017 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Jhuudhun -> Kelvay with Master Demonologist