2:26:49.992Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 02:14 - Leven

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
176 399 789 20 022.6
49 466 671 5 614.8
160 217 809 18 185.9
45 906 698 5 210.7
7 701 703 874.2
236 172 26.8
730 857 82.9
15 316 199 1 738.5
22 687 626 2 575.2
187 777 21.3
209 019 23.7
2 994 773 339.9
21 494 992 2 439.8
4 027 0.4
2 791 324 316.8
20 045 168 2 275.2
3 520 689 399.6
252 548 28.6
24 078 839 2 733.1
97 180 508 11 030.7
2 416 092 274.2
27 688 761 3 142.8
179 734 20.4
1 850 310 210.0
3 360 186 381.4
30 711 792 3 486.0
4 186 634 475.2
18 801 602 2 134.1
2 589 837 293.9
25 228 547 2 863.6
222 580 25.2
521 493 59.1
5 318 314 603.6
18 247 211 2 071.1
3 953 163 448.7
8 592 589 975.3
3 624 504 411.4
4 176 0.4
16 116 730 1 829.3
31 576 428 3 584.1
2 840 196 322.3
2 337 265 265.2
305 042 34.6
750 976 85.2
1 134 584 128.7

First Hit: 7/20 02:14:45.795 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Leven with Grito de guerra de Grito infernal

Last Hit: 7/20 04:41:35.787 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Leven with Grito de guerra de Grito infernal