0:26:46.214Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 13:26 - Bleksay

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
42 144 627 26 238.4
5 905 441 3 676.6
14 102 250 8 779.8
6 011 742 3 742.8
3 597 129 2 239.5
152 913 95.2
236 486 147.2
1 487 072 925.8
7 197 169 4 480.8
91 945 57.2
141 664 88.1
704 163 438.3
3 477 709 2 165.1
24 138 15.0
44 929 27.9
360 462 224.4
5 577 103 3 472.2
44 889 27.9
44 889 27.9
468 690 291.7
4 153 050 2 585.6
122 030 75.9
146 465 91.1
474 498 295.4
3 118 499 1 941.5
106 825 66.5
178 859 111.3
339 990 211.6
5 120 519 3 187.9
160 758 100.0
170 886 106.3
652 308 406.1
4 075 455 2 537.3
58 472 36.4
91 205 56.7
514 289 320.1
5 739 488 3 573.3
28 338 17.6
28 338 17.6
533 512 332.1
88 506 55.1
5 115 133 3 184.5
13 018 529 8 105.1
476 758 296.8

First Hit: 7/20 13:26:40.980 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Bleksay -> Bleksay with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/20 13:53:27.194 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Rio -> Rio with Exhaustion