1:40:57.976Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 14:22 - Tozidk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
271 610 309 44 835.1
49 667 822 8 198.7
139 253 167 22 986.7
51 954 885 8 576.2
9 019 874 1 488.9
1 377 245 227.3
2 851 319 470.6
14 390 629 2 375.4
21 478 023 3 545.4
973 291 160.6
3 920 725 647.2
3 713 752 613.0
31 188 610 5 148.3
9 886 042 1 631.9
16 414 673 2 709.5
4 679 949 772.5
14 690 688 2 425.0
799 222 131.9
2 075 416 342.5
1 485 880 245.2
801 991 132.3
2 604 0.4
5 208 0.8
72 154 11.9
36 744 024 6 065.3
5 402 0.8
48 368 7.9
4 492 993 741.6
29 507 912 4 870.9
4 126 023 681.0
18 489 617 3 052.1
3 082 063 508.7
33 984 747 5 609.9
56 513 9.3
434 489 71.7
3 538 612 584.1
14 347 974 2 368.4
947 529 156.4
715 351 118.0
31 530 997 5 204.8
91 483 966 15 101.4
3 965 042 654.5
48 934 716 8 077.7
407 583 67.2
2 816 247 464.8
6 125 895 1 011.2
15 808 062 2 609.4
26 308 4.3
67 236 11.0
2 436 916 402.2
14 388 337 2 375.1
476 592 78.6
645 903 106.6
3 023 471 499.0

First Hit: 7/20 14:22:12.884 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Tozidk with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/20 16:03:10.860 SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE Mazout -> The Lich King with Deadly Poison IX