2:34:55.881Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 17:40 - Bleksay

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
263 734 747 28 371.1
38 423 290 4 133.3
108 088 522 11 627.5
39 780 344 4 279.3
35 494 270 3 818.2
226 989 24.4
631 796 67.9
3 586 367 385.8
12 649 121 1 360.7
1 532 785 164.8
3 792 527 407.9
11 159 354 1 200.4
42 769 161 4 600.8
296 360 31.8
2 681 889 288.5
3 346 827 360.0
26 856 755 2 889.1
1 857 369 199.8
7 050 395 758.4
3 280 419 352.8
206 668 22.2
21 297 515 2 291.0
69 228 101 7 447.1
3 394 921 365.2
38 131 158 4 101.9
54 747 5.8
447 941 48.1
3 762 834 404.7
30 349 063 3 264.7
436 452 46.9
673 367 72.4
2 592 836 278.9
42 752 603 4 599.0
1 280 222 137.7
1 465 847 157.6
3 429 468 368.9
30 474 616 3 278.2
1 875 503 201.7
385 834 41.5
11 216 938 1 206.6
19 629 976 2 111.6
2 423 497 260.7
3 665 498 394.3
223 913 24.0
2 486 683 267.5
928 318 99.8

First Hit: 7/20 17:40:13.801 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Bleksay with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/20 20:15:09.682 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Bleksay with Strength of Wrynn