0:53:24.188Custom Slice

20 Jul 24, 21:10 - Egarotx

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
65 415 985 20 415.7
13 994 555 4 367.5
25 675 795 8 013.1
13 963 728 4 357.9
16 691 066 5 209.1
105 580 32.9
233 064 72.7
1 258 940 392.9
620 095 193.5
8 445 088 2 635.6
14 317 919 4 468.5
1 289 002 402.2
4 818 239 1 503.7
235 534 73.5
307 564 95.9
4 031 199 1 258.1
11 729 518 3 660.6
210 199 65.6
325 268 101.5
1 313 103 409.8
6 555 455 2 045.9
84 532 26.3
90 589 28.2
1 031 625 321.9
124 669 38.9
3 808 273 1 188.5
7 968 337 2 486.8
783 754 244.6
7 148 273 2 230.9
15 281 4.7
44 786 13.9
986 009 307.7
5 132 690 1 601.8
216 764 67.6
579 971 181.0
1 168 995 364.8
5 978 927 1 865.9
817 344 255.0
1 751 774 546.7
1 057 602 330.0
6 617 053 2 065.1
55 960 17.4
56 523 17.6
1 043 499 325.6

First Hit: 7/20 21:10:39.233 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Egarotx -> Egarotx with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/20 22:04:03.421 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED TAMANDUA -> TAMANDUA with Exhaustion