2:17:14.297Custom Slice

21 Jul 24, 12:14 - Milize

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
290 163 203 35 238.3
55 289 140 6 714.4
117 205 591 14 233.8
55 653 313 6 758.7
38 788 460 4 710.5
2 904 872 352.7
6 514 521 791.1
4 980 174 604.8
47 174 380 5 729.0
5 257 007 638.4
44 755 444 5 435.2
364 040 44.2
695 123 84.4
5 800 871 704.4
32 543 803 3 952.2
6 154 387 747.4
22 568 541 2 740.7
4 025 216 488.8
29 756 205 3 613.6
949 323 115.2
6 255 346 759.6
3 496 509 424.6
11 483 200 1 394.5
856 127 103.9
1 347 165 163.6
16 156 081 1 962.0
44 819 143 5 442.9
69 667 8.4
191 316 23.2
5 040 810 612.1
40 601 146 4 930.7
3 256 255 395.4
7 817 402 949.3
4 652 640 565.0
52 294 6.3
77 009 9.3
141 618 17.1
808 676 98.2
189 128 22.9
40 657 460 4 937.5
71 674 559 8 704.3
5 435 329 660.0

First Hit: 7/21 12:14:28.801 SPELL_DAMAGE Dpm -> Servant of the Throne with Seal of Vengeance

Last Hit: 7/21 14:31:43.098 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Milize with Strength of Wrynn