1:34:34.202Custom Slice

21 Jul 24, 15:32 - Vellis

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
235 755 162 41 548.6
36 418 994 6 418.3
89 078 641 15 698.8
38 576 727 6 798.6
29 913 493 5 271.8
570 049 100.4
772 172 136.0
2 936 897 517.5
31 920 541 5 625.5
3 727 736 656.9
26 004 952 4 583.0
1 773 855 312.6
4 199 975 740.1
2 105 105 370.9
13 052 830 2 300.3
4 403 561 776.0
13 552 983 2 388.5
8 289 947 1 460.9
29 155 507 5 138.2
1 434 341 252.7
1 589 012 280.0
4 405 938 776.4
18 096 459 3 189.2
993 688 175.1
4 527 840 797.9
3 467 607 611.1
35 356 940 6 231.1
491 951 86.6
3 637 534 641.0
4 163 098 733.6
29 162 569 5 139.5
3 916 525 690.2
19 817 107 3 492.4
2 856 043 503.3
22 917 869 4 038.9
949 0.1
34 944 6.1
3 510 606 618.6
174 002 30.6
22 834 075 4 024.1
40 947 074 7 216.3
3 113 750 548.7

First Hit: 7/21 15:32:46.051 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Vellis with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/21 17:07:20.253 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Howlyy -> Vellis with Devotion Aura