1:23:04.521Custom Slice

21 Jul 24, 23:14 - Grimzy

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
229 783 536 46 099.4
37 477 099 7 518.6
79 456 189 15 940.5
29 281 013 5 874.3
35 295 411 7 081.0
464 825 93.2
921 012 184.7
3 459 904 694.1
33 670 100 6 754.9
457 980 91.8
1 025 926 205.8
1 940 093 389.2
26 569 009 5 330.3
227 374 45.6
581 488 116.6
2 222 992 445.9
8 184 776 1 642.0
5 432 744 1 089.9
12 304 382 2 468.5
7 776 756 1 560.1
15 544 635 3 118.5
2 809 116 563.5
9 844 704 1 975.0
1 979 451 397.1
28 941 851 5 806.3
221 370 44.4
1 113 803 223.4
1 883 866 377.9
32 045 779 6 429.0
1 955 258 392.2
5 430 943 1 089.5
2 259 338 453.2
20 942 823 4 201.5
609 926 122.3
1 619 090 324.8
2 755 040 552.7
28 589 152 5 735.5
4 357 648 874.2
9 287 641 1 863.2
2 899 423 581.6
20 940 858 4 201.1
37 327 200 7 488.6
2 104 150 422.1

First Hit: 7/21 23:14:51.394 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Grimzy with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/22 00:37:55.915 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Groundcastle -> Groundcastle with Sacred Shield