1:01:04.987Custom Slice

22 Jul 24, 14:25 - Snorri

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
58 690 757 16 013.9
8 008 997 2 185.2
21 193 071 5 782.5
8 861 204 2 417.7
3 507 974 957.1
722 638 197.1
3 591 955 980.0
2 761 115 753.3
9 701 371 2 647.0
779 236 212.6
1 310 589 357.5
653 242 178.2
8 152 763 2 224.4
11 129 3.0
113 995 31.1
534 219 145.7
10 091 140 2 753.3
462 336 126.1
3 023 560 824.9
20 580 5.6
23 286 6.3
1 639 412 447.3
8 071 093 2 202.2
124 969 34.0
169 746 46.3
493 359 134.6
7 882 820 2 150.8
562 482 153.4
358 352 97.7
3 722 627 1 015.7
9 166 873 2 501.2
525 947 143.5
6 255 965 1 706.9
37 729 10.2
167 999 45.8
766 478 209.1
1 645 719 449.0
2 590 089 706.7
6 648 628 1 814.0
462 614 126.2

First Hit: 7/22 14:25:01.365 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Snorri -> nil with Flask of Stoneblood

Last Hit: 7/22 15:26:06.352 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Shamwowz -> Ghostiez with Ancestral Fortitude