0:15:18.403Custom Slice

22 Jul 24, 17:20 - Yukixd

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
35 360 792 38 502.4
14 203 447 15 465.3
31 398 902 34 188.5
7 100 147 7 730.9
5 538 170 6 030.2
306 323 333.5
534 608 582.1
589 581 641.9
1 300 157 1 415.6
503 201 547.9
809 783 881.7
1 550 193 1 687.9
28 180 30.6
6 308 156 6 868.6
15 406 647 16 775.4
467 860 509.4
2 815 364 3 065.4
608 223 662.2
5 215 429 5 678.8
20 858 22.7
72 880 79.3
669 365 728.8
1 834 114 1 997.0
5 317 732 5 790.1
6 935 376 7 551.5
588 294 640.5
4 428 040 4 821.4
353 607 385.0
1 125 651 1 225.6
714 198 777.6
9 348 568 10 179.1
334 254 363.9
4 260 680 4 639.2
723 602 787.8
3 277 014 3 568.1
921 962 1 003.8
1 974 086 2 149.4
526 047 572.7
1 575 756 1 715.7
137 354 149.5
279 191 303.9
662 784 721.6

First Hit: 7/22 17:20:04.092 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Ozemvalala -> Ozemvalala with Blessing of Ancient Kings

Last Hit: 7/22 17:35:22.495 SPELL_ENERGIZE Ozemvalala -> Ozemvalala with Illumination