0:55:09.855Custom Slice

24 Jul 24, 12:54 - Tedtwo

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
55 417 589 16 743.2
9 443 988 2 853.2
30 330 548 9 163.7
30 707 711 9 277.6
6 104 465 1 844.3
549 0.1
8 231 2.4
3 608 058 1 090.0
2 366 710 715.0
1 898 280 573.5
8 910 964 2 692.2
2 922 456 882.9
12 227 322 3 694.2
120 259 36.3
452 292 136.6
4 084 125 1 233.9
8 797 387 2 657.9
35 535 10.7
163 839 49.5
3 794 550 1 146.4
5 645 830 1 705.7
3 320 745 1 003.2
11 548 237 3 489.0
796 713 240.7
1 434 711 433.4
364 404 110.0
1 120 991 338.6
1 608 056 485.8
4 290 381 1 296.2
71 608 21.6
278 643 84.1
3 595 457 1 086.2
3 966 936 1 198.5
51 917 15.6
183 517 55.4
2 637 908 796.9
5 691 917 1 719.6
3 635 939 1 098.5
17 564 5.3
3 580 691 1 081.8
7 663 834 2 315.4
654 108 197.6
4 874 366 1 472.6
3 370 341 1 018.2

First Hit: 7/24 12:54:21.987 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Tedtwo with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/24 13:49:31.842 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Canthandleme -> Tedtwo with Leader of the Pack