1:16:39.734Custom Slice

24 Jul 24, 13:11 - Sennrog

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
164 123 794 35 681.1
31 466 206 6 840.8
69 942 145 15 205.6
25 430 445 5 528.6
18 243 310 3 966.1
3 683 137 800.7
13 937 311 3 030.0
1 543 884 335.6
25 517 709 5 547.6
394 928 85.8
4 046 007 879.6
2 294 083 498.7
20 626 376 4 484.2
1 831 776 398.2
6 807 910 1 480.0
3 871 121 841.5
12 002 652 2 609.4
5 825 041 1 266.3
24 908 394 5 415.1
819 668 178.1
1 039 037 225.8
1 679 091 365.0
20 040 327 4 356.8
406 826 88.4
1 133 419 246.4
2 077 068 451.5
19 811 730 4 307.1
678 703 147.5
920 296 200.0
2 500 179 543.5
9 117 937 1 982.2
2 080 711 452.3
18 948 206 4 119.4
2 104 474 457.5
101 895 22.1
21 611 823 4 698.4
36 863 423 8 014.2
3 494 138 759.6

First Hit: 7/24 13:11:42.702 SPELL_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE Moonmourne -> Moonmourne with Bloodrage

Last Hit: 7/24 14:28:22.436 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Vericu -> Vericu with Dash