0:12:44.886Custom Slice

24 Jul 24, 13:38 - Niryan

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
16 740 953 21 886.8
4 132 332 5 402.5
7 231 802 9 454.7
4 261 448 5 571.3
1 522 157 1 990.0
140 336 183.4
223 902 292.7
1 521 952 1 989.7
3 480 847 4 550.8
45 605 59.6
192 079 251.1
228 727 299.0
2 116 707 2 767.3
21 358 27.9
137 173 179.3
150 283 196.4
1 543 788 2 018.3
197 987 258.8
764 749 999.8
23 216 30.3
66 117 86.4
814 585 1 064.9
1 700 848 2 223.6
52 654 68.8
104 725 136.9
221 932 290.1
2 968 665 3 881.1
30 351 39.6
38 339 50.1
355 167 464.3
20 119 26.3
1 809 696 2 365.9
2 662 074 3 480.3
152 316 199.1
2 620 353 3 425.8
25 393 33.1
76 314 99.7
425 083 555.7
2 720 3.5
1 983 723 2 593.4
3 731 079 4 877.9
193 416 252.8

First Hit: 7/24 13:38:49.420 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Galandriel -> Niryan with Trueshot Aura

Last Hit: 7/24 13:51:34.306 SPELL_CREATE Anitasol -> Portal to Dalaran with Portal: Dalaran