1:55:29.071Custom Slice

24 Jul 24, 21:01 - Ylaiv

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
122 480 450 17 676.3
14 508 779 2 093.8
56 738 992 8 188.5
15 154 199 2 187.0
16 549 000 2 388.3
199 241 28.7
2 559 183 369.3
1 482 674 213.9
16 930 204 2 443.3
361 856 52.2
1 648 796 237.9
1 585 640 228.8
7 891 467 1 138.8
104 022 15.0
138 361 19.9
5 047 557 728.4
16 830 562 2 428.9
168 777 24.3
349 539 50.4
898 345 129.6
14 215 864 2 051.6
561 634 81.0
3 905 170 563.5
488 436 70.4
324 280 46.7
10 229 225 1 476.2
38 816 363 5 601.9
1 036 009 149.5
10 281 464 1 483.8
19 703 2.8
28 211 4.0
1 878 418 271.0
16 225 556 2 341.6
44 992 6.4
51 299 7.4
949 371 137.0
6 330 593 913.6
2 200 920 317.6
6 774 086 977.6
719 878 103.8
16 901 460 2 439.2
618 409 89.2
2 467 984 356.1
1 067 871 154.1

First Hit: 7/24 21:01:56.538 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Midpp -> Ylaiv with Moonkin Aura

Last Hit: 7/24 22:57:25.609 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Awildmouse -> Wyrmrest Skytalon with Devotion Aura