0:26:43.552Custom Slice

25 Jul 24, 00:16 - Ranzzo

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
37 712 025 23 517.8
7 571 458 4 721.6
24 737 015 15 426.3
6 762 629 4 217.2
4 901 778 3 056.8
114 013 71.1
200 700 125.1
665 737 415.1
3 696 623 2 305.2
114 636 71.4
195 853 122.1
517 277 322.5
6 239 713 3 891.1
144 737 90.2
150 923 94.1
587 044 366.0
2 332 450 1 454.5
144 285 89.9
181 145 112.9
1 709 275 1 065.9
171 097 106.6
3 541 960 2 208.8
13 006 581 8 111.1
494 322 308.2
6 251 086 3 898.2
123 138 76.7
193 580 120.7
716 114 446.5
4 167 436 2 598.8
54 196 33.7
78 636 49.0
606 790 378.4
4 652 368 2 901.2
200 049 124.7
842 252 525.2
529 363 330.1
5 299 474 3 304.8
52 668 32.8
52 668 32.8
420 920 262.4
3 081 776 1 921.8
9 834 677 6 133.0
515 787 321.6

First Hit: 7/25 00:16:51.286 SPELL_CAST_START Haxixebr -> nil with Ritual of Summoning

Last Hit: 7/25 00:43:34.838 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Ranzzo -> Ranzzo with Portal to Dalaran