
29 Sep 24, 19:55 - Blaszka

55078 Blood Plague

Total Freya Snaplasher Storm Lasher Ancient Water Spirit Strengthened Iron Roots Detonating Lasher Eonar's Gift Ancient Conservator Flash Freeze Hodir Leviathan Mk II VX-001 Assault Bot Aerial Command Unit Emergency Fire Bot Junk Bot Algalon the Observer Living Constellation Collapsing Star Unleashed Dark Matter General Vezax Saronite Vapors Saronite Animus Guardian of Yogg-Saron Corruptor Tentacle Brain of Yogg-Saron Constrictor Tentacle Crusher Tentacle Krull Influence Tentacle Yogg-Saron Immortal Guardian Marked Immortal Guardian Xeike Kuariaon Givemepi Ciappy
Goredrill 2143 129 27 36 35 4 148 2 41 19 100 190 180 44 132 6 80 142 59 40 15 113 5 21 108 36 96 2 0 0 0 137 169 27 0 0 0 0
Ork 1875 219 23 28 28 8 193 2 19 37 82 153 139 46 81 7 40 78 7 15 13 100 5 14 90 74 0 5 55 1 0 72 204 30 1 5 1 0
Domilia 1748 151 27 30 32 16 132 4 29 9 95 126 108 60 55 8 82 130 22 5 6 114 0 21 101 6 91 3 0 0 6 105 149 19 1 0 0 5